Saturday 30 August 2008

2008 Breast Cancer Symposium Awards $14,000 To Oncology Fellows

�Organizers of the 2008 Breast Cancer Symposium announced the winners of the Symposium Merit Awards. Fourteen physicians-in-training will receive financing to assist with their travel to attend the Symposium, to be held September fifty-seven in Washington, DC.

"We are proud to accolade this year's Merit Award winners for their outstanding contribution to the onward motion of breast cancer research," said Funda Meric-Bernstam, MD, chair of the Symposium Steering Committee and Associate Professor in the Department of Surgical Oncology at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. "These bright young fellows represent the promising future of clinical oncology and our increased commitment towards improving patient care."

The ASCO Cancer Foundation Merit Awards are designed to promote clinical research by young scientists and provide fellows with an chance to present their research and interact with other clinical malignant neoplastic disease investigators at ASCO scientific meetings. This year's awardees are the second radical of physicians to receive ASCO's Merit Awards in breast cancer and present institutions from across the globe. Awardees were selected based on the scientific merit of their abstracts and volition present their research during the Symposium.

The 2008 Breast Cancer Symposium has expanded this year to a two-and-a-half-day multidisciplinary symposium in order of magnitude to offer more feature presentations on the modish multidisciplinary research from selected theme-based translational, and clinical abstracts, as well as related educational sessions. This symposium offers an opportunity for clinically relevant, in-depth discussions of how and when to translate raw findings into patient care and how to be more selective about white meat cancer therapy.

Co-sponsors include the American Society the American Society of Breast Disease, The American Society of Breast Surgeons, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, the National Consortium of Breast Centers, Inc. and the Society of Surgical Oncology.

2008 Breast Cancer Symposium Merit Award Recipients

Nabil Wasif, MD

John Wayne Cancer Institute

Survey of ASCO members on management of picket node micrometastases in knocker cancer: want of adhesiveness to established guidelines

Grace L Smith, MD, PhD

M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

Racial disparities in treatment for early invasive breast cancer: a national Medicare study of radiation therapy after conservative surgery

Marieke E Straver, MD


Patterns of care in the EORTC AMAROS sentinel node trial

Sonal Gandhi, MD, BSC

University of Toronto

Continuing aromatase inhibitors (AIs) beyond the 5-year mark: how much benefit is enough? A survey of patients and physicians

Mangesh A Thorat, MD

Indiana University School of Medicine

Metaplastic chest cancers show a gene expression profile distinct from basal-like breast cancers

Philip Wong, MD

McGill University Health Center

The use of 3D-ultrasound in tracking surgical cavity displacement during breast radiotherapy

Shaheenah S Dawood, MD

Department of Health and Medical Services

Triple receptor negative boob cancer: The effect of race on response to primary systemic treatment and survival outcomes

Heather B Neuman, MD, MS

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

Do patients with stagecoach IV breast cancer and intact primary benefit from local control of the breast as a component of multimodality therapy?

Mahsa Mohebtash, MD


Vaccine alone or with chemotherapy in patients with metastatic breast cancer (mBC)

Ricardo H Alvarez, MD

University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center

Discordance rates of HER-2 expression between white meat primary tumors and mated metastases victimisation archived neoplasm specimens

Christine Simmons, MD

Princess Margaret Hospital

Phase II study of Vitamin D (10, 000 IU daily) supplementation in Bisphosphonate Treated breast cancer patients with bone metastases

Tienhan S Dabakuyo, PharmD

Centre Georges Fran�ois Leclerc

A multicenter cohort study to compare tone of life in breast cancer patients according to sentinel lymph node
biopsy (SNLB) or full axillary clearance (AC)

Sumanta K Pal, MD

City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center

Lack of survival benefit in metastatic breast cancer with newer chemotherapy agents: The City of Hope cancer experience

The 2008 Merit Awards are funded through The ASCO Cancer Foundation and ar supported by restricted educational grants from the American Cancer Society, Amgen Oncology, Aptium Oncology, Bristol-Myers Squibb and ImClone Systems Incorporated, Celgene Corporation, Lilly Oncology, Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Novartis Oncology, Onyx Pharmaceuticals, Inc., OSI Oncology, sanofi-aventis U.S. and Wyeth.

ASCO Cancer Foundation

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